
ARMADA Fleet Solution

ARMADA is the leading Rental, Leasing and Fleet Management solution in the Middle East region. Armada is built and deployed on the ORACLE platform, a standard that is unmatched in the industry.

Key features and benefits:

Common fleet management

You benefit from a common fleet utilized across Short Term and Leasing business line with individual vehicle profit and loss information made available all the time by the system.

Complete time, Mileage and Maintenance History of Vehicles

Full visibility of each vehicle’s history of it time and mileage utilization and maintenance activity conducted on each vehicle from the time you purchase the vehicle to the time it is disposed off.

Complete Time and Activity of History of Drivers

Complete history of driver/operator usage whether for one customer or multiple customers.

On-line transaction processing

System tracking vehicle status in real-time, hence vehicle and driver status, utilization and RPU figures can be reported instantly. All necessary documents i.e contracts, invoices, non-revenue tickets and receipts etc. are printed on-line and are “ready-to-go”.

Flexible Tariff Structures

New pricing schemes can be implemented on the system with ease.

Rule based invoicing process

You benefit from an easy “push-button” invoicing process that gives you the piece of mind in the knowledge that all invoices are generated without missing any contract and with ease.

Powerful Traffic fine Recovery process

An extremely powerful process allows you to significantly increase recovery of traffic fines from the customers and with ease.

Ad-hoc Reporting

You benefit from the solution’s ability to provide ad-hoc reporting tools allowing you to generate your own reports and queries besides the standard reports in the product.

Absolute Technology Reliability

ARMADA being available to you on the proven and absolutely stable Oracle Technology with no worries about any data-loss or constant maintenance activity.

ARMADA – Enterprise Solution Modules


The core module of ARMADA provides a Fleet Management system with time and activity accounting of each vehicle on the fleet. This includes all non-revenue transactions required by fleet operations and maintenance of vehicle information. It provides the functions to create and maintains Tariffs for use by the revenue modules of the system. It also provides functions for Customer Accounting and tracking; including credit and cash customers. The core module also provides the functions of User Access Control and other System Administration functions


This module provides functions for daily rental operations including charge calculations and printing of Rental Agreements at various stages i.e. Open, Modify, Extend, Replacement, Deposit Collection, Void and Close. The module also provides convenient mechanisms to track Delivery and Collection of Rental Vehicles. The module allows management of chargeable replacements and provides for history of RAs. It also provides printing of Agreement Registers and reporting on Utilization and RPU for daily rental service fleet.


This module provides functions of monthly rental operations including charge calculations and printing of Rental Agreements at various stages i.e. Open, Modify, Extend, Replacement, Deposit Collection, Void and Close. The module also provides convenient mechanisms to track Delivery and Collection of Rental Vehicles. The module provides separate treatment of Monthly-Rental (Mini-Lease) Revenue stream for efficient performance monitoring of rental operations. It also provides calculation and printing of monthly invoices based on fixed number of days in a month or calendar days in a month, computation of charges based on either usage in a 24-hour day or a full day. Agreement Registers and reporting on Utilization and RPU for the monthly rental service fleet.


This module provides functions for lease rental operations including quotation building, conversion of quotations to delivery notes, generation of lease contracts after acceptance of the vehicle by the customer, charge calculations and printing of Rental Agreements. It also allows to carry out Replacement of vehicles in the lease with other vehicles, calculates and prints periodic invoices for lease rental collection, and to Close agreements at the end of the lease period and generates the Agreement Register. In particular, the quotation building process allows standard costs parameters to be defined by the user for each type of vehicle. These cost parameters are then used along with predefined “mark-up” to allow computation of a viable quotation for the customers. The quotations are definable for multiple vehicle types and multiple units of each vehicle type for a single customer and the same leasing period. The computation of monthly rates uses 1 of 3 different type of formulae which are pre-set and chosen by the user at the time of implementation of the system. It is also possible to defined rack rates and floor limits for all vehicles types to allow standard quotations to be floated by the sales representatives.

The lease quotations are converted to orders when confirmed by the customer and the physical vehicle delivery transactions start the invoicing cycles for the lease contracts. The module is integrated with the invoicing system to permit single invoices for customers as well as Summary Invoices to customers with a detail printout of all the vehicles under a single lease deal.


This module is fully integrated with the rest of the system. The module can be implemented as a functional addition to an existing installation or as a separate installation. The module provides common functionality to operate a Call/Taxi or Limousine Operations based on a central control room model communicating with cars on the road either through two-way radio or mobile telephones. The key features of the module are:

  • Reservations and On-Screen manifests
  • Driver Job assignments to reservations
  • Monitoring of all activities of cars on the road
  • Tariffs based on Zones, Fixed Time and Time Allowance
  • Assignment of cars to and from Daily/ Lease fleets
  • Use of common vehicle and fleet management functions with rental and leasing operations


This module provides functions of recording all reservations for the Daily and Monthly Rental Services. The reservation recording mechanism allows the user to input all details of the booking i.e. Name of Hirer, Credit Account identification, check-out Location, check-in location, Tariff applicable and the kind of car required. All these determine the expected charge which the user can indicate to the customer which taking the booking on the phone, or print a confirmation and send to the customer if received by any other means.

The module also provides for making GROUP bookings for many types of vehicles at the same time. It provides facility to modify the reservations and keep track of all modifications a booking has undergone.

It keeps track of reservations by enquirer, hirer and telephone numbers. The module allows the user to accept reservation charges as well as advance against rental at the time of confirming the bookings.

The system generates a reservation register (showing “Due-Out” information) for planning purposes. The system also provides for BLOCKING / UNBLOCKING a specific vehicle (registration number) for special purposes.

This module is integrated with the rest of the system permitting easy conversion of Reservations to Open RA’s. The module supported by a reservation register report printed by the system showing all details of the reservations recorded on the system.


This module provides treatment of pre-issued Vouchers from external sources and generation of corresponding invoices. In essence, the module when used in conjunction with the basic daily rental agreement module, allows the system to generate two invoices at the termination of the rental, one for the customer who issued the Voucher and the other for the hirer who used the voucher and purchased services from the car rental company over the specified limit in the voucher.

The Voucher issuer, who is a credit worthy Primary Customer with the car rental company, can be of two kinds.

  • Sales Agent
  • Corporate Buyer

Sales agent usually sells the service of the car rental company at a market rate but pays the car rental company at a pre-agreed rate (referred to in ARMADA as Net Rate). As the voucher is pre-sold, in the event, the limits and services included in the voucher are not fully used, no refund is provide to the individual hirer who uses the voucher for obtaining the service. In the case of a corporate buyer, the voucher is in effect an order of rates and hence if the voucher is used less than the limit of the voucher, the Corporate is invoiced only the amount of actual service (unlike a Sales Agent).

There are three kinds of Voucher treatments available in the ARMADA system:

  • Full Credit Voucher
  • Limited Credit Voucher
  • Nil Value Voucher

The module also provides a treatment of “up-selling” when the Hirer purchases a higher group of vehicle then specified in the Voucher. The invoices to the Hirer are prepared based on a “Gross Rate” card in the system.


This module provides the functions of recording and monitoring Traffic Fines for all vehicle movement, including Daily, Monthly, Limousine, Tours, Taxi, Lease services and Non-Revenue Movements. The module allows the user to input Fines reported by relevant authorities e.g. the traffic police, municipal authorities etc. Based on the date and time and the plate number of the vehicles, the system locates the appropriate transaction for the vehicle when the fine occurred.

These fines are then available to charge at the time of settling the Rental Agreements for cash customers, invoicing to account customers and available at the time of Opening a new Rental Agreement for customers whose RA’s have been closed prior to receiving the fines.

The system also makes appropriate vehicle income and expense entries and financial accounting entries automatically. It reports these fines as “allocated” for recoverable fines and un-allocated for those fines for which the rental operator cannot make any recoveries.


This module is integrated with both the revenue modules as well as the Core Module for Fleet Management. The module provides the following functionality:

The modules provides the user with means of recording an accident case at the time of replacement or termination of a Rental Agreement or at the time of termination of a Non-Contract Movement. The accident record then is available for the purpose of settlement of outstanding amounts with the hirer in case it is from a Rental Agreement or debiting internal accounts in case it is from a Non-Contract Movement. Additionally, the module provides the ‘Operations Department’ tracking of repair of accident cases by allowing user defined status of the accident record and reporting vehicles in them.

For the purpose of computing the value of settlement with the hirer for an accident, the module allows links with tariff cards to maintain user-defined methods of liability calculation corresponding to each of three levels of CDW.

The available methods are as below:

  • No Charge
  • Insurance Deductible
  • Minimum of Excess Liability and Estimated Expense of Repair
  • Minimum of Excess Liability and Actual Expense of Repair
  • Percentage of Estimated Expense of Repair
  • Percentage of Actual Expense of Repair


The Fidelity Card Module of ARMADA is designed for the user to manage a loyalty program of its own. It permits the users to:

  • Create Various Card Types and give them name of the loyalty program
  • Card types with discount percentage level on time and mileage
  • Card types with Upgrade privileges
  • Card Types applicability to various services e.g. Daily Rental, Monthly Rental, Limousine etc.
  • Issue Cards with expiry period to Named employees of Large Accounts
  • Issue Cards with expiry period to Un-Named users of Large Accounts
  • Issue Card with expiry period to Named individual customers

The system then identifies the customer by the Card Number at the time of a user conducting rental transaction on the system. The system then displays all the details of the customer at the time of the hire, applies the tariffs associated to the specific hirer and provides discounts and upgrade privileges specified in the card being used.

The standard reports of this module list the cards and expiry and the details of the customer. It is quite easily possible for the user to formulate reports using the Oracle Discoverer 3.1 tool which may include:

  • Value of business in each Card Type (or a loyalty program)
  • Number of Rental using each type of Card
  • The Amount of discount provided in a loyalty program
  • The amount of business given by an individual or company using the fidelity cards etc.


This module is integrated with the Core Module along with the Invoicing Module of the system and provides the following functions:

The module allows the user to “De-Fleet” a vehicle when being declared for sale. This removes the vehicle from active fleet for the purposes of utilization calculation. This also calculates the depreciation amount till the date the vehicle has been on fleet.

If the vehicle is proposed to be sold the sale module can recommend a selling price based on two methods:

  • ARMADA recommendation (based on Book Value, Income and Expenses)
  • Third Party recommendation (based on third party database of local used car market, if available)

The user determines the selling price and a corresponding invoice along with VAT calculation is then generated.

A vehicle not sold and can be put back on the fleet by an “On-Fleet” process.

The module generates a Vehicle Sale invoice and is integrated with the GL Interface Module to pass this Invoice entry to any GL system


For the car rental operations in the Middle-East it is deemed to be necessary that disputed cases of car hires are monitored and tracked specially. For this purpose, the ARMADA System has been enhanced to allow the user the following:

  • Identify certain over-due rental agreements as 'delinquent' once established through a risk assessment process outside the ARMADA System.
  • Provide for special treatment of income accounting in the monthly revenue reporting as well as accounting.
  • Provide reporting for further categorizing the 'delinquent' cases as risk of loss of revenue as well as vehicle or only revenue (bad debt)
  • Provide a process to assign responsibilities of source of delinquency within the operation
  • Provide a process to assign responsibility of recovery of debt or both debt and vehicle.
  • Provide a process for settlement of disputes with the Hirer including impact on revenue accounting as well as P&L of the vehicle.


This module provides the function of transferring the JOB CARD data for vehicles in the fleet from an external workshop system which maintains the job card with the following basic data elements to the ARMADA System:

  • Chassis Number
  • Plate Number
  • Fleet number (unit number)
  • Supplier (Service Provider) Code
  • Purpose (viz. Service, Accident Repair, Breakdown Maintenance)
  • ARMADA Reference Document Number
  • ARMADA Reference Document Date
  • Job Card / Invoice Number
  • Job Narration
  • Job work code
  • Amount
  • ARMADA Internal Code
  • Date of Job Completion

The function allows the user to periodically, electronically “import” this data into the ARMADA system and maintains the vehicle history as well as the accumulated expense on the vehicles in the fleet. For this module to function, the CUSTOMER will need to provide the “exported” data from the external workshop system electronically.

The data is transferred using a ASCII file as input from the external Workshop System.


This module provides functions of recording all reservations for the Limousine Service. The reservation recording mechanism allows the user to input all details of the booking i.e. Name of Passenger, Credit Account identification, Pick-up station, drop-off station, date and time at which the service is required and the kind of car required. All these determine the expected charge which the user can indicate to the customer which taking the booking on the phone, or print a confirmation and send to the customer if its is received by any other means.

It also provides for charges for No Show and a time allowance before a No Show can automatically be triggered. The module also provides a refreshing query screen that displays up coming booking – The Reservation Manifest Query. The screen uses color schemes to distinguish urgent booking, bookings in the next 24 hours etc. The query can also display “No Shows” in the past against reservation. The interface provides “drill-down” from the Manifest to individual Reservations to allow modification of details of a reservation.

The module also provides a mechanism of assigning reservation or jobs to drivers. This assignment can be printed as a driver job-sheet for each day.

In addition the module prints the Reservation Manifest as a report and also prints individual reservations as documents.


This module is integrated with all the revenue modules of ARMADA and provides the following functionality: Based on Invoicing rules set for each account customer, the module keeps track of Rental Agreements or Limousine Transfer Jobs that are due to be invoiced. It then generates the applicable invoices after calculating the appropriate invoice amounts for each sales account head e.g. Rental, CDW, PAI, PE/GIT/Theft Protection, Mileage, Fuel and Options.

The module also provides for calculation of VAT amounts if applicable to the customer (depending on local VAT registration requirements) at appropriate rates. The module provides for different VAT rates for each kind of revenue stream and for each kind of sales head.

The invoicing rules can be set to produce the invoices in advance, post the period as well as on termination of rental. Invoicing rules also govern if the period of invoice should follow a month cycle or to calculated for every month-end.

In effect the module ensures that all Rental Agreements and Limousine Transfer Jobs are invoiced and automates invoices generation and printing to a very large extent. Also, there are various types of Invoices that can be generated from the system for various types of customers, including Cash Customers (if necessary), Account Customers, Travel Agents, Vehicle Buyers and Merchant Banks operating credit card facilities.

The module automatically passes the invoice entries to the Accounts Receivable Module for future settlement or to the GL System through the GL system interface.


This is a module which works with the rest of the ARMADA System using the Oracle Discoverer 3 tool. This module provides a mechanism for the end-users to create report outputs from ARMADA system on an ad-hoc basis. The usefulness of this module is manifested in the fact that despite an increasingly large set of standard reports, in specific situations, the users may require reporting formats or information on an ad-hoc basis, for which they do not have to depend on the package supplier or other support functions. In addition, it maintains a Data Mart of performance indicators of the operation that get accumulated every period end. The performance indicators span all aspects of the business:

  • Fleet Utilization and Revenue per Unit
  • Customers
  • Rentals Sales
  • Hire Source
  • Reservations
  • Expenses

The module then provides the user options to create and carry out analyses of this performance data including trends across period / fiscal years and period comparisons. The module also integrates with other office automation products to transport these analyses to other applications e.g. Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint and Word.


For the car rental operations in certain parts of the Middle East it is deemed to be necessary that certain elements printed on the car rental agreement are in Arabic.

Capture as ARABIC text name of the hirer at the time of creating a hirer record, either while preparing a Rental Agreement or separately while using the Secondary Customer creation menu option of ARMADA.

Print the Hirer Name in ARABIC on the Daily, Monthly and Lease Agreements

Capture as ARABIC text of the registration number of the vehicle at the time of creating vehicle record.


This module provides integration with third party Financial Accounting system (i.e. a GL, Receivable, Payable system). The ARMADA system prepares all revenue and expense vouchers that are necessary to effect a GL system. It also computes and passes vehicle depreciation entries for the fleet of vehicles. The balanced vouchers that are passed on to an accounting system are:

  • Invoices,
  • Debit Notes,
  • Credit Notes,
  • Receipts
  • Payments
  • Expenses

These can be passed to such a Financial Accounting, system electronically, on a frequency that can be decided by the user.


The module provides a two-way data exchange mechanism for the following with an external system:

ARMADA to External System:
  • Financial Transactions: ARMADA passes the following financial entries automatically to the external system, which creates appropriate voucher entries in the external system to be confirmed and posted by the user in that system.
  • Invoices
  • Receipts
  • Debit Notes
  • Credit Notes
  • Payment Vouchers
  • Adjustment Vouchers
  • Expense Vouchers
  • Vehicle Master Data All new entries of vehicles are made available by ARMADA, which can be imported by the external system to create asset entries on a periodic basis.
  • Customer Master Data All new entries of Customers are made available by ARMADA, which can be imported by the external system to create customer/debtor master entries in the accounting system on a periodic basis.
  • Supplier Master Data: All new entries of suppliers are made available by ARMADA, which can be imported by the external system to create supplier/creditor master entries in the accounting system on a periodic basis.
External System to ARMADA:
  • Customer Outstanding Balances The module provides for periodic update of all customer account balances that ARMADA can import and use for credit limit checks while conducting the rental and/or leasing transactions.
  • Expense Vouchers


The module supports multi-company, multi-division / profit centers, multi-department / cost centers kind of organization structures. Its flexible design and extensive parameterization allows it to cater to changing business requirements and incorporates the following functions:

  • • Financial Analysis & Management
  • - General Ledger & Budgeting System
  • - Accounts Receivables
  • - Accounts Payables and Cheque Printing
  • - PDC Management System
  • - Budgetary Control and
  • - Management Reporting
  • ♦Multi company, multi divisional and multi departmental accounting and consolidation at company level as well as at the group level.
  • ♦ Financial Reporting available at all the above levels
  • • Inter-company cross-references, consolidations and statements.
  • • Trial balance, balance sheet, profit & loss account at both company level as
  • • well as group level to
  • • Budgeting and Analysis reports by Division & Department.
  • ♦ Multi currency system enables maintenance of accounts in foreign currency and provides for tracking of exchange rate fluctuations
  • ♦ Extensive Financial Ratio Analysis with user definable ratios.
  • ♦ User-definable summary and detailed formats for Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Statements, with an on-line facility to specify the schedules for the same immediately.
  • ♦ Flexible Chart of account coding structure. Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss account classifications are independent of the account codes. This facilitates the shifting of Balance Sheet or Profit and Loss account heads from one group to another, without re-coding the main accounts, and losing the General Ledger history of that account.
  • ♦ The system provides for a facility to group various schedules under multiple Chart of Account formats, effectively facilitating multiple formats of Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss statements for one company.
  • ♦ Unlimited user-definable sub-ledgers in addition to the standard creditors and debtor's sub ledgers.For instance, one could have an Employee sub-ledger
  • ♦ Activity codes to analyze expenses over and above the available account code break-up.
  • ♦ Transaction grouping under multiple heads to provide for user defined day books.
  • ♦ Allows for any number of accounting periods i.e. more than 12 accounting periods
  • ♦ Generalized transaction entry screens to simplify data entry procedures.
  • ♦ Option of either on-line or batch posting of transactions.
  • ♦ On-line matching of Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable documents against receipts, payments, and other vouchers.
  • ♦ On-line information reference for up to any number of previous years, restricted only by resource availability.
  • ♦ Auto journal facility to provide for Reversal JVs., Correction JVs., Periodic Allocation JVs., Recurring JVs.
  • ♦ Provision for setting up Monthly, Yearly and Periodical (multiple of months) budgets. Option is available to transfer budgets or actual of the previous financial year into the current financial year.
  • ♦ Complete audit trial, with changes to the Masters and Transactions logged with User Id, Data & Time stamps.
  • ♦ Alphanumeric codes to provide for greater flexibility and ease of use.
  • ♦ Powerful 'Query by Example' eases document tracking and information retrieval


The ARMADA Portal addresses the need for delivering a ‘connected enterprise’ for users of the ARMADA Rental, Leasing and Fleet management solution, which already provides a completely integrated solution for companies in the vehicle services sector which automates internal business processes from the moment a vehicle is acquired and placed on a fleet, throughout the life-cycle of the vehicle while on the fleet and the de-fleeting of the vehicle. The concept of the ‘connected enterprise’ securely opens up the ARMADA environment such that both individual customers (business to consumer) and Corporate Customers (business to business) can enjoy a fully integrated e-commerce, self-service environment, over the Internet, in which to do business with the ARMADA based vehicle services company, through a structured Portal. The ARMADA Portal delivers this e-commerce capability and incorporates:

  • A full set of customer self-service business transactions and information requests
  • A full set of transactions for service personnel within the ARMADA based operation to deal with incoming customer self-service transactions.
  • A CRM component for dealing with sales to customers, complaints and satisfaction surveys. The ARMADA Portal is a new channel of business that has been added for an ARMADA based rental and leasing operations (ARMADA Operation), allowing customers of the ARMADA Operation to use the internet medium to contact the Operation and use its services in a more effective and efficient way. This seamless integration of customer requests with the operation helps the ARMADA Operation to significantly improve its services while also delivering much improved efficiencies.

The ARMADA Portal Operation will be able to provide 24X7, round the clock services to its customers on a self-service basis.

There are three types of customers, who will be using the ARMADA Portal

  • New customers or normal web-site visitors
  • Existing customers (Individual)
  • Corporate Customers

The customer has the following services available at the ARMADA Portal:

  • Make a reservation.
  • Make a request for contract renewal/extension (it is the responsibility of the sales executive to ensure that payment coverage has been obtained).
  • View his billing statement.
  • View the detail of his payments.
  • View reservation and car rental history.
  • View reservation request status.
  • Log complaints
  • Male request for vehicle service/maintenance
  • View Traffic Fines.
  • Submit scanned documents (passport/License) online.
  • Obtain next service mileage/due date notification.

In addition, for a Corporate Customer, a Corporate Administrator user can have a corporate view of the relationship with the ARMADA Operation, with the details of all of its existing lease and rental agreements and related transactions over and above the functions available for the individual user. The ARMADA Portal also provides extensive workflows and controls for personnel within the ARMADA Operation to handle the above requests from individual and Corporate Customers, including the use of SMS and email messaging to keep contact with the customer.

In addition to CRM functions that deal with the complete sales process, The ARMADA Portal also provides a single view of the relationship with the customer and also provides the functionality to allow the ARMADA Operation management to undertake polls, Customer Satisfaction Surveys and other quality control measures. It should be noted that while the ARMADA Portal has been seamlessly integrated with the ARMADA Rental, Leasing and Fleet Management solution to provide optimal end-to-end transaction capability, the ARMADA Portal functionality can be delivered as an e-commerce solution to companies that do not use ARMADA, for deployment in stand-alone mode or to be integrated into their own back-end transaction and financial systems.


In order to improve the security of the country the Dubai Police have taken the initiative to develop a means of capturing important information that relates to cars hired from the car rental industry. They require that car rental companies provide certain information in a timely and accurate manner. At present a manual process has been provided for car rental companies to key this information into a PC application provided by Dubai Police, but this is not practical for the large rental operators, who have substantial investment in systems that already capture all this information at source. In recognition of this the Dubai Police have worked closely with Voyager Technologies International Ltd (Voyager) to develop an automated interface, the ARMADA Security System, which is more suited to the needs of the larger operator.

The ARMADA Security System is designed to support normal front and back office operations of a rental company. The system will operate transparently in the background of your normal computer-based operational processes. Using the ARMADA Security System, there are no requirements for any changes to the way your operations are managed and no additional steps in your business process.


This module is integrated with all other modules of ARMADA and provides the following functionality:

This module allows installing chauffeurs/drivers on the system assigned to various profit centers. It also maintains their details of:

  • Phone number (including mobile phones or pager)
  • Passport – along with expiry date
  • Visa (resident permit) – along with expiry date
  • Driving license along with expiry date and vehicle type allowed
  • Daily normal working hours
  • Weekly-off days and
  • Annual leave period

The module maintains the status of drivers and accounts for their time and activities in the entire operations. The module provides:

  • Driver Log
  • Driver Status Query
  • Driver Movement query
  • Driver Time Card (as approved by customer of the operation)
  • Driver Check-out (without vehicle) and
  • Driver Check-in (without vehicle)

Using the driver time sheet the module can compute the overtime to be charges to the customer.